
This project involves implementing an adjacency list representation of a weighted graph, and using it to apply Dijkstra’s shortest paths algorithm (single-source, all destinations – SSAD) to a weighted directed graph. The program reads the specification of the problem from a given file named for instance “File.txt”. The input file will begin with two lines specifying the number of vertices in the graph, \(G=(V, E)\), and the source vertex. Each of those values will be preceded by a label that ends with a colon character (‘:’). The next line will be blank. The remainder of the file will be a matrix (similar to the adjacency-matrix representation) of \(|V|\) rows, each containing \(|V|\) integer values for the weights of the edges in the graph. Weights will be integers in the range \(1\) to \(99\). Missing edges will be designated by the value \(0\). Here’s an example:

Number of vertices: 11
Start vertex:       4    

0    0    0   10    0   94    0    0   73    0    0
0    0    0   13    0    0    0    0    2    0    0
0    0    0    0    0   43    0    0    0    0    0
0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0    0    0   87    0    0    0    0    0   68    0
0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0   97    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0    0    0    0    0   91    0    0    0    0    0
0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0   17    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0    0    0    0    0    0   55    0    0    0    0

Output will be written to a file named for instance “Result.txt”. The output file should consist of two sections, one displaying information about the given graph and the other displaying the results of running the Dijkstra’s shortest paths SSAD algorithm.

The graph information display consists of a row of labels (see example), followed by \(\mid V\mid\) rows of output displaying the graph information in a format similar to the adjacency-list representation of the graph. For each vertex, there will be one row of data listing the vertex number, followed by list of neighbor records. A neighbor record consists of a neighbor (vertex) number, followed by a colon character, followed by the weight of the corresponding edge. The graph information display is followed by a blank line.

The SSAD results display begins with two lines of labels (see example), one showing the source vertex and a blank line, followed by \(\mid V\mid\) rows showing the results for each possible destination vertex (including the source vertex itself). Each of these lines consists of three sections, the destination vertex number, the length (total weight) of the shortest path found, and the actual path (a sequence of vertex numbers separated by spaces). If a vertex is not reachable from the source vertex, “inf” should be displayed instead of the length.

Here’s an output example that corresponds to the input example above:

Node|	Out-neighbours
0		3: 10	5: 94	8: 73
1		3: 13	8: 2
2		5: 43
4		3: 87	9: 68
6		1: 97
7		5: 91
9		1: 17
10		6: 55

Start vertex is: 4

Dest|	Weight|	Path
0		inf
1		85		4  9  1
2		inf
3		87		4  3
4		0		4
5		inf
6		inf
7		inf
8		87		4  9  1  8
9		68		4  9
10		inf  


  • Implement a digraph template class for the weighted adjacency list representation of a directed graph.
  • The data read from a file that specifying the graph is stored in a dynamic vertex vector as a private member of the class together with the source vertex.
  • The digraph class includes function that writes the display of the graph in the proper format indicated above.
  • Dijkstra’s SSAD algorithm is implemented as a separate function. The function takes an initialized digraph object as one of its parameters and the source vertex as the second, and computes the path lengths and shortest paths. It doesn’t write any of the display to the output file.

Code Explanation

In this program, the first major data structure is a map named vertexMap that allows us to find, for any vertex, a pointer to the Vertex object represents it.

template<typename T>
struct MapDef {
    typedef map<int, Vertex<T>*, less<int>> vmap;

The second major data structure is the Vertex object that stores information about all the vertices.


A Vertex object maintains four pieces of information for each vertex.

  • number: The corresponding to this vertex is established when the vertex is placed in map and never changes.
  • adj: The vector of adjacent vertices is established when the graph is read.
  • dist: The length of the shortest path from the starting vertex to this vertex is computed by Dijkstra’s algorithm.
  • prev: The previous vertex on the shortest path to this vertex.
  • known: This variable is used to record whether this vertex has been visited or not during implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm.
  • reset: This function is used to initialize the data members that are computed by the Dijkstra’s algorithm.
template<typename T>
struct Vertex {
    int number;            // Vertex number
    vector<Edge<T>> adj;   // Adjacent list
    T dist;                // Distance
    Vertex* prev;          // Previous vertex on shortest path
    bool known;            // Flag used in Dijkstra's algorithm

    Vertex(const int& num) : number(num) { reset(); }

    void reset() { dist = 0x7fffffff; prev = NULL; known = false; }


The Edge consists of a pointer to a Vertex and the edge cost.

template<typename T>
struct Edge {
    Vertex<T>* dest;   // incident vertex in edge
    T cost;            // Edge cost

    Edge(Vertex<T>* d = 0, T c = 0) : dest(d), cost(c) {}


In the digraph class interface, vertexMap stores the map. The rest of the class provides member functions that perform initialization, add vertices and edges, save the shortest path.

template<typename T>
class digraph {
    digraph() {}

    MapDef<int>::vmap vertexMap;

    Vertex<T>* getVertex(const int& vertexNumber);
    void addEdge(const int& sourceNumber, const int& destNumber, int cost);
    string getPath(const int& destNumber) const;
    void clearAll();

    string getPath(const Vertex<T>& dest) const;

    digraph(const digraph& rhs) {}
    const digraph& operator= (const digraph& rhs) { return *this; }
  • Constructor: The default creates an empty map.
  • Destructor: It destroys all the dynamically allocated Vertex object.
template<typename T>
digraph<T>::~digraph( ) {
    for (MapDef<int>::vmap::iterator itr = vertexMap.begin(); itr != vertexMap.end(); ++itr)
        delete (*itr).second;
  • getVertex: This method consults the map to get the Vertex entry. If the Vertex does not exist, we create a new Vertex and update the map.
template<typename T>
Vertex<T>* digraph<T>::getVertex(const int& vertexNumber) {
    MapDef<int>::vmap::iterator itr = vertexMap.find(vertexNumber);

    if (itr == vertexMap.end()) {
        Vertex<T>* newv = new Vertex<T>(vertexNumber);
        vertexMap[vertexNumber] = newv;
        return newv;
    return (*itr).second;
  • addEdge: This function gets the corresponding Vertex entries and then update the adjacency vector.
template<typename T>
void digraph<T>::addEdge(const int& sourceNumber, const int& destNumber, int cost) {
    Vertex<T>* v = getVertex(sourceNumber);
    Vertex<T>* w = getVertex(destNumber);
    v->adj.push_back(Edge<T>(w, cost));
  • clearAll: Initialize the members for the shortest path computation using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
template<typename T>
void digraph<T>::clearAll() {
    for (MapDef<int>::vmap::iterator itr = vertexMap.begin(); itr != vertexMap.end(); ++itr)
  • getPath: This routine returns the shortest path after the computation has been performed. The prev member to trace back the path can be seen, it can give the path in order using recursion. The routine performs checking if a path actually exists and then returns inf if the path does not exist. Otherwise, it calls the recursive routine and returns the cost of the path.
template<typename T>
string digraph<T>::getPath(const Vertex<T>& dest) const {   
    string str;
    if (dest.prev != NULL)
        str = getPath(*dest.prev) + "  ";

    stringstream ss;
    ss << dest.number;
    return str += ss.str();

template<typename T>
string digraph<T>::getPath(const int& destNumber) const {
    MapDef<int>::vmap::const_iterator itr = vertexMap.find(destNumber);
    if (itr == vertexMap.end())
        throw digraphException("Destination vertex not found!");

    string str;
    const Vertex<T>& w = *(*itr).second;
    if (w.dist == 0x7fffffff) {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << destNumber;
        str = ss.str() + "\t\tinf";
    } else {   
        stringstream ss, ssw;
        ss << destNumber;
        ssw << w.dist;
        str = ss.str() + "\t\t" + ssw.str() + "\t\t" + getPath(w);
    return str += "\n";


This object is placed on the priority queue. It consists of the target vertex and its distance and a comparison function defined on the basis of the distance from start vertex.

template<typename T>
struct Path {
    Vertex<T>* dest;   // target vertex
    T cost;            // distance

    Path(Vertex<T> *d = 0, T c = 0) : dest(d), cost(c) {}

    bool operator> (const Path& rhs) const { return cost > rhs.cost; }
    bool operator< (const Path& rhs) const { return cost < rhs.cost; }

Dijkstra’s SSAD algorithm

The SSAD function performs shortest path calculation using Dijkstra’s algorithm. A method that works with the STL priority queue is used. This method involves inserting an Path object in the priority queue whenever we lower the distance. To select a new vertex v for visitation, we repeatedly remove the minimum item based on distance from the priority queue until an unvisited vertex emerges.

template<typename T>
void SSAD(digraph<T>& g, const int& startNumber) {
    priority_queue<Path<T>, vector<Path<T>>, greater<Path<T>>> pq;
    Path<T> vrec;  // Stores the result of a deleteMin

    MapDef<int>::vmap::iterator itr = g.vertexMap.find(startNumber);
    if (itr == g.vertexMap.end()) {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << startNumber;
        throw digraphException(ss.str() + " is not a valid vertex!");

    Vertex<T>* start = (*itr).second;
    start->dist = 0;
    pq.push(Path<T>(start, 0));

    int nodesSeen = 0;
    for(; nodesSeen < g.vertexMap.size(); ++nodesSeen)
        do { // Find an unvisited vertex
            if(pq.empty()) return;
            vrec =; pq.pop();
        } while(vrec.dest->known);

        Vertex<T>* v = vrec.dest;
        v->known = true;

        for(int i = 0; i < v->adj.size(); ++i) {
            Edge<T> e = v->adj[i];
            Vertex<T>* w = e.dest;
            int cvw = e.cost;

            if (cvw < 0)
                throw digraphException("Negative edge seen!");

            // Update w
            if (w->dist > v->dist + cvw) {
                w->dist = v->dist + cvw;
                w->prev = v;
                pq.push(Path<T>(w, w->dist));


In main function, a simple [program]]( that reads a graph in adjacency matrix form from an input file named “File.txt”, reads in the number of vertices and a start vertex, then runs Dijkstra’s SSAD algorithm. To construct the digraph object, we repeatedly read one line of input, assign the line to an istringstream object, parse the line, and call addEdge. Using an istringstream allows us to verify that every line has at least the \(\mid V\mid\) pieces corresponding to an vertex.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   
    ifstream inFile ("File.txt");
    if (!inFile) {
        cerr << "Cannot open File.txt!" << endl;
        return 1;

    cout << "Reading file..." << endl;
    string oneLine;

    // Read in number of vertices
    getline(inFile, oneLine);
    oneLine.erase(remove(oneLine.begin(), oneLine.end(), ' '), oneLine.end());
    istringstream iss(oneLine.substr(oneLine.find( ":" ) + 1));
    int qty;
    iss >> qty;

    // Read in start vertex
    getline(inFile, oneLine);
    oneLine.erase(remove(oneLine.begin(), oneLine.end(), ' '), oneLine.end());
    istringstream issStart(oneLine.substr(oneLine.find( ":" ) + 1));
    int startVertex;
    issStart >> startVertex;

    // Read in blankline
    getline(inFile, oneLine);

    // Read the edges; add them to g
    digraph<int> g;
    int source = 0, dest, cost[qty];
    while (getline(inFile, oneLine)) {
        istringstream st(oneLine);

        for (dest = 0; dest < qty; ++dest)
            st >> cost[dest];

        if( continue;
            for (dest = 0; dest < qty; ++dest) {
                if(cost[dest] > 0)
                    g.addEdge(source, dest, cost[dest]);
    cout << "File read, digraph constructed" << endl;

    cout << "Writing in adjacency list" << endl;
    ofstream outFile;"Result.txt", ios::trunc);
    outFile << "Node|\tOut-neighbours" << endl;
    outFile << "-----------------------------------" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < qty; ++i) {   
        outFile << i << "\t\t";
        Vertex<int>* u = g.getVertex(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < u->adj.size(); ++j) {
            Edge<int> e = u->adj[j];
            Vertex<int>* v = e.dest;
            int cuv = e.cost;
            outFile << v->number << ": " << cuv << "\t";
        outFile << endl;

    cout << "Implementing Dijkstra's SSAD algorithm" << endl;
    outFile << endl << endl << "Start vertex is: " << startVertex << endl << endl;
    outFile << "Dest|\tWeight|\tPath" << endl;
    outFile << "-----------------------------------" << endl;
    try {
        SSAD(g, startVertex);
        string str;
        for (dest = 0; dest < qty; ++dest) {
            str = g.getPath(dest);
            outFile << str;
    } catch(const digraphException& e) {
        cerr << e.toString() << endl;
    cout << "Result file saved" << endl;

    return 0;

Once the graph has been read, we call SSAD to apply Dijkstra’s algorithm for a starting vertex. This algorithm throws a digraphException if there is any error during execution. It catches any digraphException that might be generated and prints an appropriate error message.

class digraphException {
    digraphException(const string& msg = "") : message(msg) { }
    virtual ~digraphException() {}
    virtual string toString() const { return "Exception " + string(": ") + what(); }

    virtual string what() const { return message; }

    string message;

How to run

Name the input file as “File.txt”, then run this program, it will generate text file “Result.txt” which contains desired output.